Saturday, September 15, 2007

Forty-five: Kings Valley + Decker + Llewellyn = 110 miles

Bike: Cervelo
Energy: 4500 calories
Distance: 110 miles

Hardly anyone wanted to go long on the club ride today, except Erica. She and I did the Kings Valley ride, followed by a Decker Loop. After stopping at home for a little chow, I went back out for a Llewellyn loop.

Consumed: two Tiger Milk bars, two bottles of Powerbar Recovery, one bottle of Pertuem, one Gatorade and some water. Took about 4 Endurolytes today -- though it wasn't hot today, taking the tabs helped. (Note: I didn't lose any weight today from fluid loss; at least not after I downed some food and fluids.) Took a Recoverite after the ride; doesn't taste all that great, but it went down ok...

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