Saturday, February 03, 2007

#2 "Soggy box" century

My second ride of the year is ... another century. This time I rode to Shedd, met up with the MVBC club, and soon parted ways. Other folks were extending to a century, but I decided to do my own thing.

It started to sprinkle when I left the house and almost didn't go. Glad I did -- the rain eventually stopped near Shedd. I decided to leave the clean red De Rosa (which has a freshly lubed chain) in the garage and took the "older" blue De Rosa instead.

Rode to Brownsville, Crawfordville, Tangent, and a loop around the Team TT loop at Verdure. I made a quick stop at home for a toasted cheese sandwich and went out and did the Decker loop.

Coming back from Tangent I met up with the Harry Phinney, who noticed that my bike was squeaking. Perhaps it's the chain or rollers. I had some problems earlier in the day -- it tried to skip when I was standing in the 53 x 12.

I need to spend some time in the garage getting my bikes ready for lots 'o riding!

Distance: 107 miles
Calories expended: ~4800
Food: two Cliff bars, one Tiger milk, a bottle of Perpetuem, a bottle of Sustained Energy (that's the last of it), half a toasted cheese sandwich, and a few cashews

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