Saturday, July 14, 2007

Thirty-four: Covered Bridge Tour pre-ride

Rode to the start at Timber-Linn park in Albany (OR). We got underway at 7:30 and pre-rode the route. (see for details on the Covered Bridge century to be held on August 12th).

Rode with John M, Tim, and Joe. Great riding companions -- it's sooo nice to put in a few miles with friends (also great to have some help repairing a flat!)

Distance: 117.7
Ascent: 3065 ft.
Calories: 4225
Bike: Cervelo (had a flat on the rear tire from glass; replaced the tire after the ride since it was a bit worn.)
Max temp: 94F at the finish (88 at the Lebanon stop)

Note: managed to stay hydrated; lost no weight due to fluid loss. Took only two endurolytes; had two V8s, a diet Pepsi, two bottles of Perpetuem, two Tiger Milk bars and two Grandma cookies. Also drank some water too!

I had no noticeable sodium deposits on my shorts. I felt fine the whole way. Looks like I'm finally getting used to the "heat"...

Key find: Using Polar insulated bottles is great on a hot day. I used it to keep the Perpetuem chilled. It was 80-94 F out there and it took a long time for the ice to melt. I always finished the bottle before the contents got warm...

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