Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Century #16, Bellfountain, Harrisburg, Peoria, Philomath

Got off to a late start (2:30pm or so) and managed to get in 91.4 miles before dark. (Rides between 90 and 100 count as a "personal" century, BTW.) Burned about 3500 calories according to my Polar 720i.

Started with Heed in one bottle. Stopped once in Harrisburg for a Diet Pepsi and to fill my bottles with water. Ate a breakfast bar and a trail mix bar along the way. It wasn't very hot on this ride -- it was only 69 when I rolled into the driveway.

I put the HED Alps back on the De Rosa Primato in preparation for the 12hr TT next Saturday. Since the bike has horizontal dropouts, I really have to snug the rear skewer to keep the wheel in place. The Wipperman chain was "clicking" a bit in the 12-tooth cog, meaning that my chain needed some lube. (I use Boeshield T9 exclusively.)

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