Saturday, September 30, 2006

Century #22: Shedd, Waterloo, Lebanon, 2X Decker Loop

The weather was a bit cool this morning (52), gradually warming up to 76F by the afternoon. I couldn't tempt anyone to extend the 60 mile MVBC ride to Waterloo. (I tried to entice them to stop in Brownsville for a sandwich... no takers)

We had a hard time crossing Hwy 34 to bypass the bridge construction on Tangent Road. Seems there was an OSU Beaver game at 1pm -- that explains the steady stream of cars toward Corvallis.

Once I got back home, I made a grilled sandwich (thanks to George Foreman) and went out to do two laps of the Decker loop.

Miles: 121.1
Calories: 4994
High temp: 76F
Average speed: 18.5 mph (19.5+ for the first 70 miles)
Average cadence: 62

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