Saturday, March 17, 2007

#7 Alsea Falls, Alpine, Harrisburg, Peoria, Brownsville, Shedd Century

Calories: 5480
Distance: 117 miles

Rode the red De Rosa. Had fun riding to Alsea Falls with the club...

Our group extended the ride to 85 miles. I extended that to 117 by peeling off at Peoria and diverting to Brownsville.

This morning I had a slow start but after 30 miles I picked it up. Climbed well and had some good pulls too!

Consumed: two bottles of Perpetuem, two Cliff bars, two Tiger Milk bars, two Gatorades (I need to bring more Perpetuem and skip the Gatorade.)

1 comment:

John Henry said...

Hey Mark,

Since I did a century also, we are still tied with seven centuries apiece. How long can we keep this up?