Sunday, March 25, 2007

#9 Sudden Century

route: Shedd, Brownsville, ~Crawfordville, Sand Ridge Rd, ~Lebanon, Shedd, part of the TTT course, Philomath

Just couldn't turn down the chance for ride -- it was too nice out there. I was tempted to work on some code for work, but I've done so much of that in the past. And I'm not sure where it has gotten me. (If you don't understand what I mean, just read Dilbert.)

There is an old saying I recall from my school days, "You can retake a class, but you can't relive a weekend." Sorry, weekends are mine. ;-)

Calories: 3448
Distance: 90.12
Bike: blue De Rosa (the red one is in the shop)
Consumed: just two bottles of Perpetuem and a cereal bar (it was cool and the route was mostly flat)

I started just before 3:00 and got back at 8:00. Luckily I had an LED headlight and a mega-flasher tail light because it was almost pitch dark when I got home.

Seems the blue De Rosa has a squeak too. Wonder if it's my shoes? But I don't recall hearing the noise when I rode the Sirrus yesterday. (My nickname for the old reliable Sirrus is one-ton-ton.) Both De Rosas are Campy 10-speed.

Wonder if the narrow chainrings are flexing a bit -- or perhaps the BBs are going bad on both bikes? Or???? Cyclotopia is having a look at the red one. Should be able to get it back late tomorrow...

Saw lots of sheep and one Llama on this ride. Would have taken some photos, but I was RTFB.


Naren said...

new look looks cool!

ultracyclist said...

Glad you like the new look! What do you think of my new slogan?

Naren said...

very interesting;) i think there are more coming..